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Vinayak Deshpande
Welcomes You
Vinayak Deshpande Welcomes you to Life Mantra. The word Mantra is used since Ancient Times which gives us a 'Power'. Power to live the Life with full of Prosperity and Success. Same way Our Company, viz Life Mantra, a registered Trade Mark , a Brand Name, Redefines your Prosperity with our Insurance and Financial services. Our core working areas are Retirement Planning, Estate Creation and Child Future. I began my career as a Financial Advisor in the year 1989 after my graduation (Commerce) and decided to serve the people through Insurance and Allied Services. Later on, I completed my MBA in Finance, that further allowed me to enhance my skills and market expertise. Chairman club membership and MDRT 10 times MDRT(Million Dollar Round Table -USA) an international honour are some of the achievements in insurance career. Having our own Office with qualified staff We remain committed to offer the best of our services to all our valued investors and visitors. Our online venture is up till now another effort at reaching out to you
We assist you in creating wealth
I will exercise for continual improvement in our operation and services to enhance the customer satisfaction level.
101,Anupam,Behind Bank of Maharashtra,Mayur Colony, Karve Road,Pune - 411038 ( India )
Tel. : (+91) 8983003403
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