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Life Insurance - Why do you need to insure yourself?

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Have you ever thought about why we buy life insurance? Yes, to insure against the uncertain time. Most of them will agree to this answer, isn't it? To get the money at the end of every month demands long working hours, working on holidays, etc. But the money earned at the end of each month is worth every effort that goes in. Of course, with the money earned, there is a lot we can do with it. We can invest in the avenues, which we judge to be right. Or it could be just an indulgence like buying that best outfit which you have seen in a store. Or you might want to buy a watch or jewellery, which you have been eyeing every time you pass by the shop, or it could be just anything.

Will buying insurance policy put a stop to these teeny meeny dreams of yours? Perhaps. May be if you didn't buy life insurance policy, you could buy a car or something else that you always wanted. Just ask yourself one question-Will these things bring the security that I am able to provide my family in my presence? The money that you would invest in insurance will be paid back to you in some form or the other. Investing in insurance is a wise decision. The policy that you purchase will atleast insure your family who can stay in the house, which you worked so hard to put together. You know for sure, your family will not have to compromise on shelter. The basic requirements like marriage, education are also taken care with insurance.

As parents, we are proud of our children. We watch them attending their school and achieving their little feats one after the other like winning drawing, craft, dancing, sports competition etc. We watch them grow, hear the roaring laughter; see them play with friends having innumerable falls causing bruised knees and elbows. We provide them temporary relief with basic medical requirement. But what if these incidents had become a major one; do you have enough money to take care of the sudden expense? Or is it just like any other incident that makes you go on with certainty and assuredness that tomorrow will be fine.

Surely we would want this to be true but there is a difference between dreams and reality. We all wish our tomorrow to be brighter than today. But have you made such provisions before wishing for them? What if an unfortunate event happens to befall upon your children while they are too young to even understand? Sure you do not want to see yourself in this dreadful situation. So don't delay any further. It is never too late to start a good act. But we must atleast take some time out from our busy schedule and try to find the answers to some of the most basic questions of life?

Source : insuremagic.com back