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Life Insurance - Have you secured your child's future?

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The most precious thing on earth if asked to any parents would undoubtedly be their children. It is definite that your child's future is in your hands with the prime responsibility falling into your hand to shape his/her future. To help you in your task, consider life insurance, which is at your rescue. Buy an insurance policy and provide him with a 'financial head start.'

You can heave a sigh of relief and can earn yourself a peace of mind by discharging your duties devotedly towards you kids. The government has offered a plethora of options to choose from so many insurance companies that promise to take care of the future with their tailor made products. Make the correct choice by picking up the right policy for your child. This will not only help you to build your child's future but also secure it at the same time.

Things become expensive with the passage of each day. Are you sure you will be in a stable financial position to maintain that mark even after years. Are you prepared for the unforeseen events lest anything should happen to you? Will you be able to uphold your child's future at the time of financial crisis? Can you assure yourself that you will be able to provide your child the luxuries that you promised yourself when you took him/her for the first time in your hand?

Feels like you are bombarded with lot of questions with no answers. Well, they get all answered with insurance. You will not find any better tool than insurance to secure your kid's future. The main stages considered important in a child's life are his education and marriage. As a matter of fact, education ranks top on the priority list. It is a dream for every parent to see his child settled with degrees from the best institutes. All these dreams can be turned into reality with just a minimum amount of investment. You can build a strong foundation for your child with just a little bit of investment and things will be in your reach. Let money not be the reason for delay or avoidance for the much needed insurance purchases.

Children's plans, forms a part of the gamut of life insurance plans, which basically works like an endowment plan. An illustration will help you in understanding things better. The Life Insurance Corporation of India offers two such polices, Jeevan Kishore and Komal Jeevan that fits just perfectly to the growing needs of a child. Mr. Shetty aged 30 years buys LIC's 'Komal Jeevan' for his daughter, Niketa who is 2 years old. It is a money back plan that comes with Premium Waiver Benefit (PWB) and Term Rider Benefit (TRB). The total sum assured of the policy is Rs 2 lakh. He will have to pay a premium of Rs 16,823 for 16 years and at the age of 18 Niketa will receive Rs 40,000. At 20 years she will again receive Rs 40,000. A sum of Rs 60,000 will be receive by at the age of 24 and 26 respectively.

Mr. Chatterjee aged 30 years picks up LIC's Jeevan Kishore' for his son, Rahul who is 2 years old. He would have to pay a premium of Rs 10,679 for 18 years. and the risk cover will begin when Rahul would turn 7 years of age. He will receive approximately Rs 3,60,000 at the time of maturity.

To give you a glimpse of the child policy, above mentioned are the two such polices offered by LIC. All you need to do is to act now by making a wise decision to build a sheltered future for your child. Don't wait. Get started.

Source : insuremagic.com back