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Life Insurance - Why Life Insurance?

You think twice before taking the plunge into buying insurance. Is buying insurance a necessity now? Spending an 'extra' amount as premium at regular intervals where you do not see immediate benefits does not seem a necessity at the moment. May be later.

Well you could be wrong. Buying Insurance cannot be compared with any other form of investment. Insurance gives you a life long benefit and the returns will definitely come but only when you need it the most i.e at the right time. Besides buying insurance early in life is one of the wise decisions you could take. Because the premium you would be paying would be comparatively lower.

Insurance is not about how much more it can offer you when the stock market is at its peak. It may not be an attractive investment option. But weigh the pros and cons and consider how much more it offers at a small price.

Most important of all it provides you with that unique sense of security that no other form of investment provides. It gives you a sense of financial support especially during that time of crisis irrespective of the fluctuations in the stock market. Insurance provides for your career goals right from your childhood years.

If the earning member of the family is no more your child's educational needs will not suffer. In fact his higher education too will be provided for. You need not spend sleepless nights thinking about how to save for your child's marriage. Life Insurance will take care of that typical once-in-a-life-time spending on marriages.

An accident or a disability may be devastating but an insurance policy can be of utmost support for the family during such times too. Besides it provides for additional benefits such as bonuses. You need not worry about your retirement years. The rising prices, taxes, and your lifestyle will be taken care of easily. And you can relax and spend your old age in comfort and peace.

Life insurance today plays a major role in ones life at various stages. Considering the benefits it offers one cannot but give a thought to buying an insurance policy at the earliest.

Source : insuremagic.com back